语音识别软件 Nuance Dragon for Mac 5.0.3

  • 语音识别软件 Nuance Dragon for Mac 5.0.3
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:55
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  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 849
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  • 品牌:
  • 货号:5caeec861b19
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家zhong87



Nuance Dragon for Mac 5.0.3

Dragon Dictation是一款非常简单易用的语音识别应用, 可以直接将语音转化为文本或电子邮件信息。事实上,其输入速度最快可以达到键盘输入的5倍。
国际语音识别巨头Nuance公司最新发布一款新的语音识别产品Dragon Express,日前该产品已经上架Mac App Store,定价为49.99美。为了方便用户快速激活听写窗口,新版本图标是显示在菜单栏上的,用户只需点击就可开始使用。听写完毕用户可以直接将文本发送出去或是利用在网上搜索、复制等。
Dragon Dictate能让你在你的Mac上实现超过你有没有想过可能。输入文字,只是讲 - 比打字快了三倍 - 与您最喜爱的Mac只用你的声音及互动来操作。从基础打造起来的Mac OS X雪豹内置,帮助您创建报告,电子邮件,文章,书籍,研究笔记,网上的内容,以及更多 - 快速,简便,准确。它是聪明的Mac的语音识别。
Whether you’re creating documents, spreadsheets or presentations, sending emails, filling out forms or simply looking to reduce typing stress, Dragon for Mac drives productivity at work. Dictate and transcribe documents with a fully customizable experience that optimizes speed and accuracy. Even connect to the soon-to-be released Dragon Anywhere mobile app for iOS or Android for an end-to-end voice productivity solution that helps you work smarter and faster wherever your job takes you.
Imagine saying “Insert Signature” and Dragon fills in your contact details or dictating industry-specific terminology and Dragon types every word correctly—every time. With advanced personalization features, like the ability to create Custom Commands and import Custom Vocabularies, Dragon Professional Individual intelligently adapts to the way you work for big productivity gains.
Get even better accuracy as Dragon continually adapts to your voice
Customize words and commands to reflect your personal preferences
Short-cut repetitive processes using simple voice commands
System requirements
RAM: Minimum 2 GB for 32-bit Windows 7, 8.1 & 10; 4 GB for 64-bit Windows 7, 8.1 & 10 and Windows Server 2008 R2 & (咨询特价)
CPU: Intel® dual core or equivalent AMD processor. Faster processors yield faster performance.
Free hard disk space: 8GB
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 (32- and 64-bit); Windows Server 2008 R2 & (咨询特价)
Internet Explorer 9 or higher or the current version of Chrome or Firefox for Online Help
A sound card supporting 16-bit recording
Built-in microphone or a Nuance-approved microphone. See support.nuance.com/compatibility for more information
An Internet connection for product download and automatic product activation (a quick anonymous process)
Note: Does not support dictation into Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems. For EMR support, please use Dragon Medical Practice Edition.











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